在這裡展開您的 IoT 之旅
對 IoT (物聯網) 技能投注學習心力的人,將可協助任何產業或領域的企業完成轉型,不論是製造業乃至於拯救瀕危物種等事業都包含在內。全球網際網路連線數日益增加,再加上不斷成長的連網裝置數量,在在創造了無窮的機會。想像一下:到 2020 年時,將有 260 億的人、系統及實際物體在網際網路中無縫連結並分享資料。這不是假設場景,而是真實的情形,而且正漸漸出現在我們的周遭生活中。所以更應瞭解物聯網正如何改變世界,並學習獲得優渥薪酬的必備技能。快踏出您的第一步!
Engaging learning experiences with interactive content such as practice labs, interactive activities, videos, and assessments along the way. Bring it all together and test what you learned with a final exam.
Once enrolled, you have access to student forums where you can ask questions and interact with instructors and peers. Connect & network with classmates and alumni through our Facebook or LinkedIn communities.
Proof of Completion
Verification may come as a certificate of completion, statement of attendance, or a digital learning badge depending on the course. Share on social media or your resume to tell the world of your achievement.