Enroll, download and start learning valuable tips and best practices for using Cisco’s innovative simulation tool, Packet Tracer. This self-paced course is designed for beginners with no prior networking knowledge. It teaches basic operations of the tool with multiple hands-on activities helping you to visualize a network using everyday examples, including Internet of Things (IoT). Introductory course is extremely helpful for anyone who plans to take one of the Networking Academy courses which utilizes the powerful simulation tool.
Cisco Networking Academy 是一个面向全球教育机构和个人的 IT 技能和职业发展项目。可自学课程供您根据个人职业需求按自己的步调学习知识和技能。20 年来,思科网络技术学院坚持教书育人,将技术培训与职业指导有机地结合到一起,帮助全球 180 个国家/地区的 1510 万名学生改变了人生轨迹。